London Pride - #WhenItRainsItPours
Free 🍺 when it ☔
February in London. Grey, dark, and most of all, wet. So when you spotted a spot of rain on London Pride's live twitter feed, we DM'd you a free pint back.
Cue Michael Fish to explain.
We spread the word via social and localised OOH.

And released reactive posts depending on the weather.
The campaign went down a storm in the UK press and was even picked up by a Canadian news channel.

By the end of Feb we'd slid 3,400 free pints into the public's DMs.

Twitter - #1 in 'Top 10 Campaigns Of the Month'
Social Media Awards - Gold: Innovation
The Drum Social Buzz Awards - Gold: Best Use Of Social Media
Twitter Digital Impact Awards - Silver, Best Use of Social Media
-----Michael Fish - MBE, Former BBC Weather Forecaster, & National Treasure-----
“This is such an inspired idea. February can often be one of the dreariest months of the year, with the short days and wet weather, so a free pint of London Pride will certainly brighten up peoples’ days. I am excited to be part of this campaign, I’ve seen some very rare atmospheric phenomena, but even in all my years as a weatherman, I’ve never seen it rain beer.”